Coaching for Teams

Coaching for teams


Product Coaching helps teams develop new capabilities and improve work processes to generate better results and greater impact.

The Product Coach works regularly with the team, providing direction and assistance.

This program is ideal for:

Unlike consulting, in coaching work, the team actively participates, creating a knowledge transfer process that effectively up-skills the team’s capabilities.


Product Coaching helps teams develop new capabilities and improve work processes to generate better results and greater impact.

The Product Coach works regularly with the team, providing direction and assistance.

This program is ideal for:

Unlike consulting, in coaching work, the team actively participates, creating a knowledge transfer process that effectively up-skills the team’s capabilities.

Training + Coaching

Combining Training programs with Coaching sessions is a great way to accelerates the attainment of results.

While training allows for knowledge development, Product Coaching helps to effectively install those skills by applying the knowledge acquired during the training sessions in real cases.

Coaching to

Address specific challenges

This is when the team needs assistance in resolving a problem that lies outside their usual operating zone and for which they require a different perspective.

Examples of challenges we have helped teams overcome: redesigning a complex yet critical sales flow, understanding the user experience from a strategic standpoint to define the long-term product roadmap.

Coaching to

Increase team capabilities

Sometimes, due to the company’s growth, changes in the organization, or in the product itself, teams take on new responsibilities for which they need to enhance their existing capabilities.

Examples of this include developing skills to incorporate metrics into the workflow or acquiring product management capabilities.


Algunos equipos que capacitamos…

Companies we have worked with

Companies we have worked with

Confían en nosotros:

Algunos equipos que capacitamos…


If you have any questions about our Coaching program for companies or need more information, please feel free to reach out. We’ll be happy to chat!