Sol Mesz

About Sol Mesz

I am currently a Product Strategy and Product Design consultant, helping organizations create digital products from idea generation through implementation and growth. I have worked with different products across many industries and with organizations of all sizes, from Fortune 10 to Startups and Non Profits. Some of the companies I worked with include: IBM, AIG, Zurich, Fox, Thomson Reuters, Teleflora, Movistar, Mercado Libre, Wayra.

What is a product?

By |2024-03-07T12:16:30-03:00March 6th, 2024|

(Leer en español)

Product is a ubiquitous word: we talk about improving or designing a product, and there are also many roles focused on the product: product managers, product designers, product owners. But… what

Sample blog post V2

By |2023-09-04T22:46:19-03:00January 6th, 2023|

Like it or not, Clients are always part of the design process.

But design decisions fall outside of the typical decisions they make. That’s why they make design decisions based on aesthetics, the competition, what

The Full Loop Analytics Framework

By |2024-03-07T15:03:45-03:00May 23rd, 2021|

Part of my work in helping companies improve their products and services includes, naturally, analytics.

And so a few months ago, while creating a metrics dashboard for a client I had an epiphany: “if a

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